Website development has always been a matter of interest for me since my early school days. I used to get wonder to see how does a normal webpage gets so well dynamically changed by just implementing few or probably the bundles of development elements. Well I soon figured it out, So here in this blog I'm going to tell you what do those development bundles comprise of!
The entire website could be understood by an analogy I've brought in for you all. So let's read it loud, to find it out-
The B3s - "body, beauty, brain"
Just as we have a body, something we could refer to as skeletal or structure, a website too has body that is its HTML.
Let's first explore what this HTML is before we take our B3s discussion forward!
HTML stands for hypertext Markup Language that provides you a structure of your website. Every element, be it paragraph, sections or the buttons are all mostly structured by HTML itself. Well, when it is said it's like a body please don't get confused with the wholesome muscular body, what we mean here is simply just body as skeleton or structure because nothing is absolute so let's not much delve into this but into the idea of B3s.
Once a body structure is ready we need to define how the body would actually become functioning and ready to be beheld more than just a skeleton so to accomplish this we have CSS and JavaScript to Beautify and Brainify (to give functioning) respectively to our body.
So now let's take our discussion one step ahead of HTML to CSS
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets provides us way out there to make our skeleton more like a muscular body and further beautify with eyes, nose, hair, etc. all that compliments to a human body. Well, in technical terms it could be extended as a language that is responsible for the presentation of the HTML elements.
Could you imagine your body having organs without sensing and functioning? Of course the answer is no, giving rise to the need of something that could make our organs or the body parts worth more by adding functions. So now we are in state to learn about JavaScript as I already mentioned above.
If you have came this far, reading all through, then I'm pretty sure that you're going to have a very clear understanding of JavaScript by this section.
So let's explore JavaScript in this section
JavaScript as the name suggests, has nothing to do with Java, well the story is very interesting that would tell I would you in other article but for now let's go with the idea of what is it actually. When the body is blessed with eyes, nose, ears and other organs then we need a mechanism for sensing and functioning. You will be amazed to know that it is done by JavaScript to beautify our Html-CSS body. JavaScript is a scripting language, which is used to add behaviors, functionality and all dynamics to our website. Lets say you have hands, but how would you make that hands work? the answer is simpler that it is "brain" that sends signal to organs what to do, how to do, when to do and everything in this scope. So here JavaScript proves to be brain of our entire project that adds life to it, making it more appealing.
When these B3s are put together we get a website, but remember that website development is itself a vast topic at advance levels it has many more participants to our B3s club, such as React, Angular , and such frameworks, backend runtime such as Node.JS, Databases such as MongoDB, and many more. I'll bring all those big players into the playground in the next blog. but for now this is sufficient if you ever wondered how a website is made as I used to wonder in my initial days.
Till then, keep exploring and thinking. Hope you found my B3s interesting and enjoyed reading.